The identification problem for a nonsingular system of ordinary differential equations with fast and slow variables

  • Kononenko Larisa I., Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 4 Koptyug Avenue, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; Novosibirsk State University, 1 Pirogov Street, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Keywords: inverse problem, ordinary differential equation, small parameter, contraction mapping principle, chemical kinetics


An iteration algorithm of finding an approximate solution to an inverse problem in the nonsingular case (ε = 0) is proposed. On each iteration step, the algorithm combines the inverse problem solution for the investigated case ε = 0 and the direct problem solution which is reduced to the proof of existence and uniqueness theorem in case ε = 0. We prove a theorem about the convergence of the proposed algorithm; the proof is based on the contraction mapping principle.


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How to Cite
Kononenko, L. ( ) “The identification problem for a nonsingular system of ordinary differential equations with fast and slow variables”, Mathematical notes of NEFU, 28(2), pp. 3-15. doi: