The Dirichlet problem for the higher order composite type equations with discontinuous coefficients
We study the Dirichlet problem for the composite type differential equations
in the domain $Q=\{(x,t)\,:\,x\in(-1,0)\cup(0,1),\,t\in(0,T),\,0<T<+\infty\}$, where
$p \geq 1$ is an integer, $D^k_t=\frac{\partial^k}{\partial t^k},$ and $D_t=\frac{\partial}{\partial t}$. The feature of such equations is that the coefficients $h(x)$ and $a(x)$ can have a discontinuity of the first kind when passing through the point $x = 0$. In addition to the usual Dirichlet boundary conditions, the problem under study also specifies the conjugation conditions on the line $x = 0$. Existence and uniqueness theorems are proved for regular solutions (those having all generalized Sobolev derivatives).
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