Calculating the parameters for an underground polyethylene heat supply pipeline in perennial frozen soils
heat equation, pipeline, heat supply, permafrost, temperature, finite difference method, thawing depth, thermal insulation thickness
Based on mathematical modeling of the process of thawing-freezing of the host soil for an underground polyethylene heat supply pipeline with thermal insulation operated in areas of permafrost distribution, we propose a method for calculating the thickness of the thermal insulation layer and depth of the pipeline under the condition of annual zero isotherm establishment in the host soil by the beginning of the heating season at the level of the active soil layer border.
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How to Cite
Akimov, M., Mordovskoy, S. and Starostin, N. (2021) “Calculating the parameters for an underground polyethylene heat supply pipeline in perennial frozen soils”, Mathematical notes of NEFU, 28(1), pp. 67-77. doi:
Mathematical Modeling
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