3D simulation of the thermal regime of a group of gas wells in the Srednetyungskoe field
The thermal interaction between a group of gas wells and the permafrost ground was simulated using the finite element method for the conditions of the Srednetyungskoe field. For the spacings between the wellheads of 10 m, 15 m, and 20 m, thermal regimes for the gas and surrounding ground massif are forecasted for 30 years of operation. The feature of the present work is that atmospheric conditions and the effect of the wells are modeled simultaneously in 3D, allowing for accurate characterization of the wellhead area. Field data on the ground temperature, the bottomhole pressure and temperature, the production rate, the gas composition, thermophysical properties of the ground, and weather conditions are used as input parameters. Temperature profiles of the ground, the position of the thawing front, and timing of merger of the thawing halos around the wells are estimated. The results of the survey can be used in development planning of the field.
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